Monday, March 26, 2012

End of the World (LJ 3/26)

...aka the end of the semester. Occasionally I get into a rut, thinking the semester will last forever. And I start to slack off, reasoning I have plenty of time to write that paper, study for that last midterm, finish (or start) my projects. Then I see a calendar and realize that we only have two and a half weeks left! Panic mode. While I just want to be done, there is so MUCH to be done that it is frightening. A lot of it has to do with England. Not only is the proposal coming along sluggishly, but I am leaving for another country in about a month. What is worse is if I fail my comps next month. Then my entire field study is a sham, a waste of time. 

Deep breath.

After breathing for awhile, I realized I'm going to England, not the Kalahari. Yes, culture and people and studying will be different, but manageablely so. Reading Fox is useful and helpful. Not useful in that I'm going to memorize what specific word I am supposed to use to be viewed as a high class citizen, but useful as a small insight to what I should expect. I am not going to stress out about "supper" or "dinner," but it is an interesting insight into class culture, something I want to observe for myself.   

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