Friday, February 3, 2012

Introvert's Guide to Networking (LJ 2/3)

Earlier this week, I read an article suggested by LinkedIn. It was on the "The 5 things you need to know in the news this week" so this was not directed completely at me. The article is "An Introvert's Guide to Networking." As I am essentially researching networking in England, and I am an introvert, I thought this was a perfect resource for me. I will admit, I'm a little worried about being thrust into another academic environment and being expected to...well...basically feel secure enough to do things as simple as asking questions. Thus, this article was helpful in providing techniques just so I can be more proactive in networking and creating the needed contacts.

The different suggestions this article offered were:

  • Appreciate your introversion (finally! someone who does not consider it a sickness)
  • Reach out (Ummm...)
  • Prioritize time (to re-energize -- a little bizarre, but hey)
While I do not think re-energizing is the most helpful suggestion (at least for me), I appreciated the other two. Reaching out physically will always be terrifying, but this article suggests reaching out through email, before the physical contact. Check--I will have email contact with Dr. Woods before I meet him face to face. With appreciating my introversion, I need to find what social settings do not overwhelm me. Large rambunctious parties? Nope. Dancing? Ha, Gatherings where everyone else is dressed in business suits and having a fancy dinner? Since I will just have to talk to one person at a time, I think situations like this would be easier for me to interact. 

Through different such strategies, I will be able to best utilize my time in England without wasting a lot crouched on my bed, agonizing over how to network.  

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